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Problemas para entrar en nabble

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Problemas para entrar en nabble

104 posts
Tengo varios foros de nabble y cuando yo y los que se han dado de alta quieren entrar con Chrome no nos deja.

Alguien me puede decir que es lo que pasa

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Re: Problemas para entrar en nabble

Gary Lewis
553 posts
Sorry, but I can only reply in English.  However, in my experience this is usually a problem with https and a forum embedded on a website.

My forum, https://www.garysgaragemahal.com/, is embedded on my Weebly webpage.  Nabble has enabled https on the forum and I've enabled it on the website and everything works fine.  But twice now, about 3 months apart, all of a sudden the forum wouldn't show on the Weebly page.  However, when I turned https off on Weebly the page would show but we couldn't log in with Chrome, just Firefox and iOS on a few devices.

But, to say we couldn't log on with Chrome simplifies it too much.  What actually happens is that you'd enter your ID and PW and it would be accepted w/o error, but then you wouldn't be logged on.  I contacted Israel and he did something and when I re-enabled https on Weebly then we could log on with Chrome.

So I think it is an issue with security.
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/