Private child of a private forum

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Private child of a private forum

I have a private forum with a child that has a different list of authorized users than the parent. The problem is, I don't see child posts in the parent anymore, even though I'm an authorized user of both the parent and the child (I have to go to the child explicitly to see the posts). I suspect this is something like a bug.

I would also like to suggest the following (this would be very useful):
That when a forum owner is in a child forum which is itself marked as private, that all authorized users of the parent be visible with a toggle link by their name (to toggle them as authorized or unauthorized for the child). This will be useful in that there won't be any ambiguity as to whether they are authorized in the child (and you won't accidentally lose some people if you do some wild things). Also, the same thing would be nice for email subscribers. I mean, if they're subscribed to the parent, normally they're subscribed to the child, too, but if the child has its own permissions, it seems it makes it so you have to invite people individually to both. I suggest that if they're already subscribed to the parent that there be a toggle to automatically subscribe or unsubscribe them from the child (without them having to approve it again explicitly), as many times as needed.

I would use this a lot, and I'm confident that it would make things more enjoyable for those who use nested private forums. If you're wondering why people would do this, here's an example:
On the family forum I have (which is private), I have a child forum/blog for just me (also private). I don't necessarily want all the people who can see the family forum to see my forum, and I don't necessarily want all the people who can see my forum to see the family forum. I think this is workable now (it doesn't explicitly say—so I'm not entirely sure), but the options I mentioned would drastically increase convenience and clarity, as 'most' of the new people I add to the family forum I also want to be able to see my forum (but I don't want to have to invite them to subscribe twice, you know, as people sometimes don't have the knowledge/patience to click two links :P—odd, I know, but true); plus, I like to be able to add them and take them off at a whim, on the child forum (if they're subscribed to the parent).

It would also be cool if email subscribers themselves could opt out of child forums without opting out of the parent (and vice versa—the parent without opting out of the child)—although I understand that this might be best implemented so that the opting be done in the web browser, through Nabble, and not through email. If done through email, though, I might recommend just including a link that will take them to their opting options for that email, rather than including multiple unsubscribe/subscribe links in each email.