Hi Steve,
Good gracious! I thought we were into the days when we tried to save trees!
It hadn't occurred to me that you meant that!
And, in fact, there's more to it than your a) and b) suggest as each of those options get paginated after a certain number of entries. Neither does it allow for the many levels of sub-forums that may be present.
There's certainly no easy way to do what you want. You'll need to do some significant tweaking of the NAML code and probably something more than that would be required. I suspect that the easiest approach would be take the XML file that is produced when you call for an archive of your forum and process that, but that will take significant processing skills to achieve.
It is possible that one of the Nabble Team could assist if you paid for Premium Support. I'll leave this one to them.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.