Premade CSS still exist?

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Premade CSS still exist?

Hello! I'm trying to find this, as in the help:

But it seems not to exist anymore. Is there any way I can still access the premade themes? Thanks!

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Re: Premade CSS still exist?

Unfortunately, the Help is well out of date.

Go to: OPTIONS > APPLICATION > CHANGE APPEARANCE and you will add a customising toolbar to your forum. Select the COLOR option and a dialogue appears:

Color Customisation
On this dialogue you can

# Pick pre-made  schemes from the COLOR SCHEMES button
# Edit individual colours
# Restore the Defaults.

Just click the APPLY button to confirm your changes or the X button to abandon them.

Once you've finished making changes on any of the other toolbar buttons, don't forget to CLOSE the toolbar to commit everything so your users the changes you have made.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: Premade CSS still exist?

Ah, I see, so the pre-made CSS's where just color schemes? Thank you by the way! :)
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Re: Premade CSS still exist?

Well, that's not quite the whole story...

On the old HELP Screen version the colour schemes and customised CSS were combined into that single dialogue you show in your post. Now the colour scheme element has been extracted from that and is controlled separately.

Obviously, there is a lot more "pre-made" CSS styling that controls the general appearance of your Nabble application. You can over-ride that by making entries in the dialogue that appears under the CSS button on the toolbar, and restore it to the "pre-made" by using the "Restore Defaults" button, which simply clears all entries from that dialogue.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.