Please answer the questions

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Please answer the questions

On have the following text:
Install Nabble on Your Server
If you like this universal back-end, please let us know. We plan to release Nabble as an installed application, so that your site can take advantage of a full suite of web apps using the same simple code already tested by millions of visitors at our main Nabble website.

Weácan is already implemented, or not? Did when the opportunity to establish a forum on your server?

We are missing three possibilities:
1. Change the language of functional texts and words. It is important to make no choice, and patterns. Your choices are always limited. For example, our language (in Chechnya) are not for choice in Google, and when the patterns we are very comfortable.
2. Assessment of publications and user comments. And the opportunity to link results with the right to add the publication.
3. Isolation of new comments noticeable sign. And the selection sub-forums in which there are new comments for each registered user.
4. Another free block available for HTML, such as a block for Description, side, bottom or top, on each page.
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Re: Please answer the questions

Hugo <Nabble>
This will happen in the near future. We have a few important features to finish before making Nabble installable.