Paypal subscription

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Paypal subscription


Just discovered Nabble. Currently a VBulletin customer. Is it possible to only allow access for members who set up a recurring payment via paypal?

Many thanks
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Re: Paypal subscription

The simple answer is "No", in that there is no built-in facility for such a service.

However, it is just possible that, through editing the NAML code you might be able to interrogate the user database and editing individual user settings. However, I haven't got the skills to advise on how you might achieve that.

Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: Paypal subscription

Thanks for your reply Greg.

Does NAML let you interact with the code externally, i.e. if I send a post request or something like that? Could I for example have a php script on my server send some kind of message to my forum?

How does Nabble work in terms of SEO? Seen as it's just embedded does that mean that all the content isn't counted as being on your own website?

Aside from that I think this is awesome. Simple and Beautiful.

Thanks again :)