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Overlapping issue

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Overlapping issue

First some background.  Thanks to Nabble, I've created what should be a workable forum and have embedded it into a standard responsive html page generated by a fairly standard wysiwyg web editor that I use.  

The problem I'm having however, is that any 'container', etc, placed below or after the 'code box' that contains the embedding code, becomes overlapped by the forum itself.  What forum setting can I use to resolve this, if any?  
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Re: Overlapping issue

We'd need to see the code generated by the editor to create the container for the forum, but it's likely to be fixed in height in some way.

This is really an issue for the support team of the editor, not Nabble.

It might be possible to help if post the URL of your site so the code can be seen.
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Re: Overlapping issue

Many thanks for helping and sorry for late reply...  Turns out that the container for the forum code / forum was indeed fixed in height, so I just changed this to auto 90% and this solved the overlap issue.  So you're right, this wasn't a Nabble problem.  My mistake.
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Re: Overlapping issue

In reply to this post by GregChapman
Ok, so there's now another issue, which is that content before the forum doesn't show, the page automatically scrolls to the top of the forum itself.  This means I have to use the scroll bar to get to the top of the page which isn't ideal.  I've raised this issue with the web editor people, but they feel that the problem is due to the forum settings, but what?
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Re: Overlapping issue

Check out this Help page:


and follow the instructions for nabble_scroll_top
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: Overlapping issue

Great, this worked, so big thanks!