Nabble overview or beginners guide???

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Nabble overview or beginners guide???

I just found Nabble through some google searches looking for an embeddable forum. The forum seems nice, and I see several other tools I would like to use, too. I am struggling, and spending a lot of time searching, reading help posts, etc., tyring to understand the "nabblesphere."

For example, the login screen looks the same for a setting up your own forum, or for trying to get help on the nabble forums, or for setting up a blog, etc. Yet, I've learned (at length), that they all require separate accounts (right?). Can you have 1 account to manage a blog, forum, etc.?

Anyway, I was just wondering if some overview was available for newbees that explained how you 'interact' with nabble to take advantage of the cool programs people have obviously spent a lot of time on.

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Re: Nabble overview or beginners guide???

snailkite wrote
I am struggling, and spending a lot of time searching, reading help posts, etc., tyring to understand the "nabblesphere."
Unfortunately, apart from Nabble Help, this forum and the beginings of NAML Help, which is rather technical, there is no other help available. So keep posting your questions here.
For example, the login screen looks the same for a setting up your own forum, or for trying to get help on the nabble forums, or for setting up a blog, etc.
Not quite! They each have their own link at the top left of the window that identifies which application you are logging on to.
I've learned (at length), that they all require separate accounts (right?).
Can you have 1 account to manage a blog, forum, etc.?
Create the applications you need as "sub-forums" under a "parent" application and then they all become part of the same account. You can then set the permissions so the top-level parent format becomes inaccessible to your users. Set the child applications to require membership of different user "groups" so they can't access the other applications unless they belong to the appropriate group.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: Nabble overview or beginners guide???

and your "sub-apps" don't need to be the same type of its parent. A forum could have a blog as sub-app , for example.
My test forum.