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My Backup restored by nabble team but not working

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My Backup restored by nabble team but not working

20 posts
Dear Support Team,

Recently i have send my backup link & restored, but when i search with my forum link it is not working.

Is it possible to restore the backup to a new link?

I con't able to find any link with my mail when i searched "S1".

I am searching with my old URL Link: http://newgenlib.2944635.s1.nabble.com/
this above link Not working.

please restore my backup to new URL Link: http://newgenlib.435.s1.nabble.com/

Backup link:  http://s1.nabble.com/backups/site_70_1351087595.zip

Please kindly help with my issue.
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Re: My Backup restored by nabble team but not working

Israel <Nabble>
1335 posts
I have found your forum's URL.
Please save it on your machine.
The URL is: http://newgenlib.70.s1.nabble.com/
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Re: My Backup restored by nabble team but not working

20 posts
Dear Support Team.

Thank you very much this will help me a lot.
Now i can find my Forums link.

Thanks for your support.