Mails take several hours to get posted

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Mails take several hours to get posted


I just started a forum and was wondering how many hours one should expect before a post sent from email will appear in the forum? I have used the correct email address (the special, individual one mentioned on my forum) but nothing happens. I have tried once to answer in a thread and it took 3-4 hours before the mail reply could be seen in the forum, but now I have tried to start a new topic via email, one about 6 hours ago and again about half an hour ago, but nothing happens.
Any explanation or is this just the way it behaves?

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Re: Mails take several hours to get posted

It normally takes seconds rather than minutes.

It is possible that servers in your uplink chain are behaving poorly rather than those at Nabble itself.

You'll usually find that if it is a Nabble problem they'll be others posting similar complaints in fairly short order - and I don't see that at the moment.

If it is an individual problem at the Nabble end of things then it would be worth posting the URL of your forum so one of the Nabble team can investigate.
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