Listing or archiving older blogs

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Listing or archiving older blogs

My blog is appearing at Every blog we have posted appears in a long scrolling list. How do I shorten the older posts so just the head/ subject of the post shows in a list (i.e. if someone wants to read the post they can click on it and it will open).

Also can you explain what Permalink means and how to use it?


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Re: Listing or archiving older blogs

How many posts should be shorten? Should I show only the head line for all posts or start from the second or third?
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Re: Listing or archiving older blogs

Hi Pedro,

If you could start with the third post that would be great.=

Is there a way I can do this each week?What I would like to do is once a =
month is over, have all of the posts available as an archive under the =
name of the month. Is this possible? Also, can you define the term "Permalink" that follows every post
and how it can be utilized? Or can you direct me to a web site that explains the ins and outs of blogging and how to maintain a Nabble blog?


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Re: Listing or archiving older blogs

Daybreak95 wrote
What I would like to do is once a =
month is over, have all of the posts available as an archive under the =
name of the month. Is this possible?
I guess you have already discovered how to do it.

The permalink is the address inside your app. It is very useful to show an specific answer in a post or to go to as specific page at an app which uses its own domain.
example: , it goes directly to my answer.

Daybreak95 wrote
 can you direct me to a web site that explains the ins and outs of blogging and how to maintain a Nabble blog?
You can search every thing you want her in our support.
Here is a good topic:
Our Help page can also be useful:
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