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I am putting a link in my forum post on my website which is using your forum tool and it won't seem to work.

The link is either saying broken or it's going nowhere. I would like to link out and to my forum.

Can you help please?


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For a link not to work the most likely cause is that you are not inserting a full URL (including the leading http://) into the dialogue when you create the link.

The second most likely problem is that the URL contains spaces. In that case ensure that the code "%20" (without the quotes) is used where the spaces are.

If neither of those are the solution, please post more details about the URL you are pasting into the link dialogue.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Thank you , yes it was a wrong url! 

Lorna Lily Saxbee


Feeding Frenzy Productions

PO Box 7165

Bondi Beach NSW 2026

M: 0403 200 004



Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 02:08:48 -0700
From: [hidden email]
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: LINKS

For a link not to work the most likely cause is that you are not inserting a full URL (including the leading http://) into the dialogue when you create the link.

The second most likely problem is that the URL contains spaces. In that case ensure that the code "%20" (without the quotes) is used where the spaces are.

If neither of those are the solution, please post more details about the URL you are pasting into the link dialogue.
Just a Volunteer Nabble Helper - because the nice folk at Nabble have helped me!

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