Is there any option to run Nabble on my own servers?

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Is there any option to run Nabble on my own servers?

I like the functionality that Nabble is providing, but need to run a non-public list. Is there any option for getting Nabble and running it myself?
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Re: Is there any option to run Nabble on my own servers?

The closest, most recent, answer I think we have to that is here:
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: Is there any option to run Nabble on my own servers?

I'm not necessarily requiring a opensource version, but it is more than just a copy of the code that's hosted by nabble (although, since nabble doesn't have a business plan for long-term profitability, I would need some sort of 'if the company folds' clause to free the source)

where can I find info about the premium support? I saw one blurb about it as I was getting signed up to access the support page, but I can't figure out how to get at it now.
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Re: Is there any option to run Nabble on my own servers?

Peter <Nabble>
I see that you are already being answered on premium support. :-)
Nabble staff. We never ask for passwords.