Is there a way to combine the archive admins into one ?

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Is there a way to combine the archive admins into one ?

Uffe Jakobsen

I've over time created the following mailinglist archives on nabble:

Now unless that there is something that I've misunderstood:

It seems that my administrative user for each of the mailinglist archives is a separate administrative user - even that the username is the same.

Is there a way to combine these three administrative users into one administrative user/login ?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Is there a way to combine the archive admins into one ?

I seem to recall I successfully moved a forum into a completely different forum. It just required moving one forum into another, in exactly the same way that you'd move a sub-forum around within a single forum. It might have required that the admin user name or email address is required to be the same in the new parent forum. I forget! Of course, it required that users of the "old" forum had to register at the new parent.

Of course, doing something similar with a mail list archive will break any subscriptions to the mail lists, so how feasible it is will depend on what access and posting rights you want under the new regime. Are two of the lists now obsolete? Do you only require future posting rights in one of them? Tell us more about your requirements.
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Re: Is there a way to combine the archive admins into one ?

Uffe Jakobsen

Thanks for the reply.

It is quite clear that I haven't understood the inner structure of the nabble setup/concept:
I forgot all about the subscribers - that closes the issue - I'll stick with what I have now.
