I need a response from the administrator

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I need a response from the administrator

Good, Israel, could you answer the publication that I have to a pending that you did not answer me,

I had sent the images that you asked me about the domain, below I leave you the link of the publication that you have not responded to, thank you and sorry for opening this topic,cheers. link
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Re: I need a response from the administrator

Israel <Nabble>
Is there any way to contact your dns provider to check if they have a tutorial explaining the steps to make it? Everything is working properly on our side. The link below can help you:
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Re: I need a response from the administrator

hi israel , here i found these steps
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Re: I need a response from the administrator

I was reading according to the page says that I have to add as ns1.nabble.com and that way maybe it works, add it but nothing
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Re: I need a response from the administrator

Israel <Nabble>
The changes usually take up 24 hours to propagate.
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Re: I need a response from the administrator

Good, still not walking Israel, I do not know what happens