I Wonder - heading length of postings

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I Wonder - heading length of postings

Somebody in the "Miscellaneous" category has placed a title so long that it ruins the site.  It is malicious; deleting it doesn`t work; the guy will be back with more mischief.  Shortening the thread title to a set number of digits would I think, alleviate this.

Will you consider doing this asap?  Dave, our main adminny, seems unavailable at present.

Best regards, Peter (Adminy back up!)
tomorrow will be better, today was pretty good
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Re: I Wonder - heading length of postings

peterws wrote
Somebody in the "Miscellaneous" category has placed a title so long that it ruins the site.
You don't post the URL of your forum so Nabble will not be able to alter the forum for you.
It is malicious; deleting it doesn`t work; the guy will be back with more mischief.  Shortening the thread title to a set number of digits would I think, alleviate this.
You could set permissions to allow yourself to edit the message subject or edit the NAML on your forum to set this for all posts. However, if you believe your user is malicious, rather than making a mistake when posting, then he will find other ways to perform mischief and the approach you suggest is not a long term solution. You need to consider ways to adjust your membership permissions to exclude such people.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.