Https Protocol Request

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Re: Https Protocol Request

François Van Lerberghe
Please, could you activate https protocole for :

Thank you

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Re: Https Protocol Request

Israel <Nabble>
You should have a custom domain so that we can enable https for you.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

François Van Lerberghe
Oh, sorry, I did mentioned it :
- The Nabble URL is <>
- My Custom domain is <>

Thank you to activate the https protocole.

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Re: Https Protocol Request

Israel <Nabble>
Your site is hosted on n4 server, we are moving forums on n3 for while. You will be notified when we start with n4 then we can enable https for you.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

In reply to this post by François Van Lerberghe
Please enable https on the Thank you.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Israel <Nabble>
Your site is hosted on n8 server, we are moving forums on n3 for while. You will be notified when we start with n8 then we can enable https for you.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

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Re: Https Protocol Request

Sorry -

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Re: Https Protocol Request

Israel <Nabble>
cbsarge wrote
Sorry -

We can enable https only for custom domains.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

You enabled it for our previous forum back in 2019. Has the option changed?
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Not sure why my brain is having such a hard time posting the URL but here it is -
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Re: Https Protocol Request

I got them to register a custom url in their dns. Please enable https for

Thank you!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Israel <Nabble>
We have enabled https for your site.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Thank you!
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Re: Https Protocol Request

In reply to this post by NS
Would you please enable https for my forums?
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Israel <Nabble>
Your next renewal time will be in October 11th. Do you need https before this date?
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Re: Https Protocol Request

1. Does enabling HTTPS stop browsing by HTTP? (e.g. does it redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS at your end, or causes HTTP to stop responding?)
2. What renewal? I don't have a paid subscription. However, I've got some credit for contributing an Arabic translation of Nabble. What will happen on October 11 exactly?
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Re: Https Protocol Request

Israel <Nabble>
1. No it doesn't.
2. Renew means that http is scheduled to turn into https automatically without requesting anything.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

I guess I can wait until then.
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Re: Https Protocol Request

In reply to this post by Israel <Nabble>
Since we had our forum moved to the new server, SSL has stopped working - please can it be reactivated? many thanks
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