911-Abby wrote
I understand what you mean regarding the removal of the "Edit this Page," but can it not be hidden by non-administrators? After all, only administrators can access this anyway. I feel it only gives hackers a chance to change things with it being there.
Anyone can use the "Edit this page" link to examine the code behind a Nabble app. (just visit the Nabble home page and click on any random site from the search facility there!)
Only administrators of a forum can edit the code accessible from that link. (Go to one of those forums you searched for and try to edit the code!)
Yes it is possible to hide the link except to those with Administrator rights. Search this forum for
remove "edit this page"
you'll find posts that give the necessary clues on how to do that. (I wish the feature was part of the standard product!)
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.