How to make sure my nabble forum loads/shows from within my website?

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How to make sure my nabble forum loads/shows from within my website?

So my website has been using a Nabble forum forever, and it works great so long as you access it from the "main" link to our website:

Pictures are below, but our website has some frames set up on the left so that you can see stuff about our website and navigate around the website, even though you are looking at the forum.  Pretty basic stuff, and I would assume it is typical that people using nabble would want it to look like the forum is a part of their website, rather than some other separate entity.

However, if you access a link to something WITHIN the forum, our website disappears.  The frames are gone, and all you see is "the forum".  An example would be a "permalink" to a specific thread.
Example of 2 links to within our forum:

So, How do you get it so that no matter what the link is, even a permalink to some specific thread within our forum, that the forum will ALWAYS load within our website, not outside of our website?

I searched but could not find an answer to this.

Picture examples below:

Within website:

Outside of our website:

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Re: How to make sure my nabble forum loads/shows from within my website?

veqryn wrote
So, How do you get it so that no matter what the link is, even a permalink to some specific thread within our forum, that the forum will ALWAYS load within our website, not outside of our website?
Just go to:

Options > Embedding options

On the screen there select the option:

Redirect them to:

Couldn't be easier!
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