fredoviola wrote
I have searched the forum about editing a blog post, but unfortunately I do not seem to have the same options. I started a blog, did some work on the visual settings, etc… Then made my first two short posts and embedded the code into my music-made site. It works great, except I found a couple typos, and can't for the life of me figure out how to edit, or for that matter, even delete posts… Can somebody help?
Go to the post screen itself. (From the home page - the one with the sidebar - click the heading at the top of the post in question)
That takes you to the screen where you can see the full text of the post plus the text of any comments.
There the "Options" menu includes the item "Edit post".
if I am logged in on the blog app and click on the post that I want to edit, it seems by the status in the upper right hand corner that I am suddenly not logged in any more. The Login Register buttons return. But they don't work. If I click Login I get two empty fields that can't be edited.
Being thrown out sounds like a bug. I see others are complaining of a lack of visible Captcha on the login screen. Hopefully, it's all part of the same problem and Nabble will sort it out soon.
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