yes helam. You can limit the amount of characters of a message.
It is done in
message_control macro.
the original text has:
<macro name="message_control" requires="node_page">
<div class="field-box light-border-color">
<div class="second-font field-title"><t>Message</t></div>
<div class="weak-color">
<n.html_format_field.checkbox />
<label for="[]"><t>Message is in HTML Format</t></label><br/>
<div style="margin:.1em 0">
<n.message_field.textarea wrap="SOFT" tabindex="2" style="min-width:30em;max-width:55em;width:100%;height:20em;" />
the line:
<n.message_field.textarea wrap="SOFT" tabindex="2" style="min-width:30em;max-width:55em;width:100%;height:20em;" />
must to be changed to:
<n.message_field.textarea wrap="SOFT" tabindex="2" style="min-width:30em;max-width:55em;width:100%;height:20em;" maxlength="number of characters that you want permit" />
e. g.
<n.message_field.textarea wrap="SOFT" tabindex="2" style="min-width:30em;max-width:55em;width:100%;height:20em;" maxlength="200" />
Without the parameter
maxlength the macro
textarea called by
message_field will not limit the amount of characters. The default it is not limited. Therefore the parameter isn't declared.