How do I get daily summary instead of individual emails?

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How do I get daily summary instead of individual emails?

Where is the setting I need to change so that I get a daily digest of activity in a Google group instead of individual emails?  

The challenge I'm encountering, is that I signed up for the group using Nabble, and the account that is receiving the emails doesn't have a Google login, so I can't make the change directly in Google.

I guess I'm just generally unclear about the relationship between Nabble and the google group (jenkinsci-users).

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Re: How do I get daily summary instead of individual emails?

In essence, what Nabble's mail list archive service does is subscribe to the mail list in question and then post a copy of all messages that subscription receives to one of its forums.

A Nabble forum then has the facility to email out anything posted to the forum. You do that the the menu item:

Options > Subscribe via email

That takes you to a screen where you may select options for:

(•) Receive every message posted in xxxxx.
( ) Receive new topics only.

Subscription Format
(•) Individual emails (you can reply by email)
( ) Daily digest

(If you are already subscribed the option changes to "Edit Subscription" and you get taken to that same screen again.)

You will only be able to post or reply via either the Nabble Forum or a Nabble subscription if you have also subscribed to the parent mail list!

Simply registering at the Nabble forum (aka Mail List Archive) only gives to access to the messages that Nabble receives. It does not give you posting rights to the original mail list. If you attempt to post via Nabble without a subscription to the original mail list, the posts you make will simply be held as "Pending" posts by Nabble and they will not reach the original mail list.
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