How can I increase the number of posts per topic?

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How can I increase the number of posts per topic?

At the moment it's limited to 20. Is it possible to increase the vertical length so long threads don't have to run over lots of pages?
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Re: How can I increase the number of posts per topic?

I mean the number that is displayed per page.
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Re: How can I increase the number of posts per topic?

Graham Perrin
Pagination is normal in classic view.

How do you find list and threaded views?
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Re: How can I increase the number of posts per topic?

It was the classic view that I was hoping to change to more posts. Is that not possible?
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Classic view of a topic: 20 messages per page

Graham Perrin
AFAIK the classic view is not customisable in that way.

20 messages at a time in Nabble seems very reasonable; when I compare with Mail (Mac OS X) the limit without warning is 10.

Topics such as <> and <> contain messages that are relatively short, and it might be reasonable to wait for all messages to appear.

Other topics such as <>, <> and <> might take an unreasonably long time to load in their entirety.

Defocusing from Nabble: whenever I want to view more than one page at a time, I open each page in a tab.
