How can I get Nabble to stop deleting my quiet message boards?

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How can I get Nabble to stop deleting my quiet message boards?

Linda Hill
I would like the option to keep our quiet message boards... I hate this having to do something to make sure they're not deleted. We want to keep the board on our site, but having to make sure its not deleted is a pain.

I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thanks everyone!

"Artists need to liberate themselves to dig deeper for a more meaningful art. We are the voice for the unspoken." (Libbie Soffer)

"We always get the dirty end of the stick, so I figure, why not paint the dirty end of the stick?" (Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun)
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Re: How can I get Nabble to stop deleting my quiet message boards?

Hugo <Nabble>
If people visit your forum often, you won't receive those emails about deletion. In the worst case (when nobody visits it), you should get an email every three months.
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Re: How can I get Nabble to stop deleting my quiet message boards?

Linda Hill
Hi there,

thanks, Hugo. My site gets some visitors, they just don't post. I sure wish there was a way to circumvent it all together and say I'd like to keep it even if its not being used. Every three months isn't so bad if all else fails.

Thanks again :)

"Artists need to liberate themselves to dig deeper for a more meaningful art. We are the voice for the unspoken." (Libbie Soffer)

"We always get the dirty end of the stick, so I figure, why not paint the dirty end of the stick?" (Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun)