Alexander wrote
1. Please tell me how to center the very top titles in topics
This is somewhat tricky for a casual Nabble user to achieve - as the Search box is on the same line, simply centring the post-title text will only centre it between the left margin and left edge of the search box and because the searchbox itself it positioned with inline CSS code you have to make relatively complex changes to the NAML that generates the page.
If centring between those left edges is acceptable then do this:
1. At the forum top level select:
Options > Application > Change appearance > CSS
2. In the dialogue create a new line and insert the following code:
h1#post-title {
text-align: center;
2. How do I center the "People in Avrio Animals Forums" text at the very top
Again this is tricky as it requires editing NAML code as that title has insufficient HTML tags associated with it for a simple adjustment to the CSS.
3. Is there a way to add a search box on the "People" page that searches members?
While numbers remain low, you could use your browser's search facility to search for the text you want page by page. If you are competent in NAML coding you could edit it to prevent the page paginating at 20 users. That would allow you to use your browser page search facility. To obtain a search box to search all users while would require both NAML and JavaScript skills.
Maybe it's time to pay for Premium Support?
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.