Has your forum been flagged as adult, but it really isnt?

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Has your forum been flagged as adult, but it really isnt?

Hi everyone,

Our forums, http://luna.soulcreative.org, was once hosted by Nabble. One day a user posted a debatable image that got our forums flagged as adult. As a result of this, we were going to be forced to pay for each view.

Being developers, we decided to create our own forum, and that's what you see now at http://luna.soulcreative.org.

The Nabble developers have created a database backup system that only they can interface with so as to keep data from working with external websites. This is good business practice for them since it forces users to continue to use their website, and purchase their services.

If anyone finds their forums are being closed, they are welcome to send me an email at: lunaprey7@gmail.com, and we would be happy to allow you to use our software we created for no charge. You will need to pay for hosting though since that costs us money!

We also have plans to fix Nabble's "faulty" database back up which will mean that all past threads and users will be saved when moving away from Nabble's software to this new software.


Luna Prey