Feeds - Fórum

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Feeds - Fórum

Tentei usar a feed do Fórum no site TwitterFeed e não consigo adicioná-la oa serviço...

aparece essa mensagem:

Feedurl A feed needs to contain publish dates or GUIDs in order to work with twitterfeed, see http://twitterfeed.com/help#faq3_13

O FAQ do twitterfeed diz assim:

There are two methods twitterfeed can use to determine if an item in a feed is new, and should be posted to twitter - by default this is done through the date/time that a blog post has been published, or (if you select the "Post new items based on ... GUID" option in the twitterfeed "advanced settings"), by a unique ID on each blog post. Which one you want to use depends a little on the type of RSS feed you have, but twitterfeed requires at least one of the two to be present in the feed - if neither are present, there is no way to tell if an item in a feed is new, and should be posted. If twitterfeed gives the message saying it can't find valid date/time stamps in your feed, try these steps:

    Take a look at your feed - is there a date/time showing on every item in the feed? If not, you may be using an older version of RSS (0.92) which doesn't include publish dates. Your blog will probably provide the same feed in RSS 2.0 or Atom 1.0 format (both of which contain publish dates), so try and find the feed URL for the RSS 2.0 or Atom feed (see "How do I find my feed URL" above if you have difficulty finding the feed URLs)
    The dates need to be in a specific, valid format in order to be read correctly. If your feed does contain date/time stamps but you still get the above message, try entering your feed URL at feedvalidator.org - this is a useful online tool which can show common problems with feeds, including invalid date formats.

If you have no pubDate elements in your feed at all, but the feed does have GUIDs (look for or elements in the source of the feed), then you should be able to select the "Post new items based on ... GUID" option in the twitterfeed "advanced settings", and twitterfeed will then use these IDs to determine what is new.

Mudei algumas configurações lá no advanced settings, mas continua dando a mesma mensagem.

Fui ao site feed validator - http://feedvalidator.org/ e testando o feed deu a mensagem:

It looks like this is a web page, not a feed. I looked for a feed associated with this page, but couldn't find one. Please enter the address of your feed to validate.

Parece que o arquivo está em html e não em xml...

No Feedburner o mesmo problema:

The URL does not appear to reference a valid XML file. We encountered the following problem: Unknown feed format encountered (The root element is [Element: <html/>])

O próprio site Nabble está dando msg de erro também:

O documento XML não está associado a estilos. A estrutura do documento está representada abaixo.

Será problema com o feed do Fórum? Alguém pode me ajudar? Até mesmo porque uso tradutor pois meu inglês é fraco.

Desde já agadeço.
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Re: Feeds - Fórum

passe-me o link do seu forum. Tentarei checar o feed dele.
My test forum.
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Re: Feeds - Fórum

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Re: Feeds - Fórum

fui nas suas duas aplicações e cliquei em "feeds". Obtive os seguintes links:
Em cada um há duas opções: "Apenas Tópicos" e "Topics and replies ". Qualquer um que você clicar, abrirá o arquivo xml correspondente, copie esse endereço e cole no seu reader.
De qualquer forma, aqui estão os seus endereços:
My test forum.