Feed bug on Nabble 2

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Feed bug on Nabble 2

Hmm. I seem to have encountered a bug with the feeds.

If I subscribe to my main forum, I only seem to get new posts from some of the sub-forums in my feed reader. However, I should note that my feed reader beeps as if I get a message every time I post something, and sometimes an old message appears again instead of the new message.

This problem was not present in Nabble 1. It's been with Nabble 2 since I first tried it, though.

Also, I note that adding both feeds (messages and threads) under the same name seems to have some problems. At Blogger, the separate feed URLs for entries and comments tend to meld together so that all entries and comments are received under that heading: should it work that way here, too?

Anyway, here's my head forum:

I seem to get posts to Fantasy (Reader Topics) just fine, but those to Fantasy (Writer Topics) seem to have problems. I haven't checked much else—so there could be a lot of other situations that have problems.

When I posted the following thread and reply—
—I got this thread on one of the feeds,
and no thread in the other (though I did get a beep, strangely enough)