Embedding in a Google Sites website ....

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Embedding in a Google Sites website ....

Geert Claes
Has anyone tried to embed their Nabble forums/categories/boards in a Google Sites website?

I managed to embed the forum using an iFrame Google Gadget but it has a height limitation.  The gadget forces you to set a height and only has a maximum height of 2000px.  I am trying to embed a Nabble top-category with a large number of sub-categories and sub-forums and I was wondering what the best way is to ensure none of the forums/categories/boards exceeds 2000px to avoid an ugly scrollbar?  Thanks!
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Re: Embedding in a Google Sites website ....

I used this one:
Since I have an ordinary 4:3 monitor at a max resolution of 1280x1024, I usually set the iFrame size to 1024x768. I never got any second scrollbar, but the iFrame might look funny on widescreen displays, but if I were to increase the iFrame, it might appear strange on regular (4:3) monitors. You could set the iFrame to, say, 1600x1200, but since my monitor doesn't have that resolution, it went off-screen. Maybe it would help for you.

If my process helped or worked out better for you, just reply. I hope this helped.
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VHD Vault .
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^ Admin pic. from Gavin and VOT
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Re: Embedding in a Google Blog

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In reply to this post by Geert Claes
I don't understand the code posted by VHD. :)

I have a forum that I've embedded in an HTML widget on a Wordpress blog:


I think it does look pretty good.
HTTPS Please!
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Re: Embedding in a Google Sites website ....

In reply to this post by VHDsofStuff
Hey, your site looks exactly like what I want to do.  Could you please give slightly more step-by-step instructions about how to embed a forum on Google Sites?