For example.
Spammer A joins the forum, spams without any links in his post, but posts a very promotional message not related in any way to skiing. His signature has a spammy link in it, which isn't live because I haven't granted him the permission.
He joins again, with no signature at all and then posts his spammy links in his post.
I ban him.
He joins again, and posts spammy links in his post.
I ban him.
That's the end of this story, so far.
It's simpler in my mind to give permission to trusted member vs banning/rebanning. Plus if I'm unavailable for whatever reason it slows down the above behavior. The first time the guy above joined he created 4 threads, one in each forum.
I've seen other forums work this way.
The reality is that nobody works nearly as hard on my forum as I do (Nabble guys excepted). It's hard to accept relinquishing control to something I have built, and relinquishing it to someone who could care less about the community.
HTTPS Please!