Deleting Single Posts

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Deleting Single Posts

Considering I have been using Nabble for years and the large amount of historic queries  on deleting other members posts, the whole thing  seems vague at best.

When I select "More" I am left with the options (amongst others) to Edit Post, Move Post and Delete This Post and Replies.

How can I remove/delete a single post?  I don't want to remove the replies, in fact I don't even know which posts a person in a thread clicked "Reply" to. There might be 20 posts and as you can select "reply" to any of them, how do I know which replies are going to deleted?

I saw in an older thread that someone had an option of "Remove Post".  It seemed what I wanted but it doesn't appear as an option.

Help anyone?

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Re: Deleting Single Posts

Mintrax wrote
When I select "More" I am left with the options (amongst others) to Edit Post, Move Post and Delete This Post and Replies.

How can I remove/delete a single post?
The simple answer is to say: You can't!

(That's down to the way Nabble works. All posts are nodes in a database structure that would totally collapse if you remove one of the elements that hold all the rest in place. It's the very core of the Nabble system.)
I don't want to remove the replies.
That does rather bed the question: why?  If the replies are worth preserving then how could the original post that started it possibly not be?
in fact I don't even know which posts a person in a thread clicked "Reply" to. There might be 20 posts and as you can select "reply" to any of them, how do I know which replies are going to deleted?
That's simple! Look for the text at the top of the message that says "In reply to this post by xxxxx" where "this post" is a link to the post in question. If a post doesn't have that initial text then it is a reply to the message immediately preceding it.

Far better: Switch to "Threaded" view. This shows you instantly what messages are replies to which posts.
I saw in an older thread that someone had an option of "Remove Post".  It seemed what I wanted but it doesn't appear as an option.
That's because, once a message has a reply the only option is to delete everything that is based on that node within the message database structure.

Moral: Keep up to date in monitoring your forum. If you can't do that 24 hours a day appoint others, based around the world, as moderators so you have a team that can keep an eye on unwelcome posts 24 hours a day and handle them appropriately.

Other possible work arounds include:

# banning the author and selecting the option to delete all that user's posts.
(That should leave an empty "placeholder" messages in the node structure, although the original contents will be deleted. You'll see something similar to the posts seen in this topic: )

# move the offending post to a sub-forum which you make invisible (or at least inaccessible) to ordinary users and then move any replies back to the original forum. (Bear in mind that anyone who is a subscriber will have a copy in their email, and might choose to re-post the message, so that the replies can be seen in context.)

# As an "Administrator" you can give yourself the "Edit_all" permission and delete whatever part of the original post offends you.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.