Create a link for users to register

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Create a link for users to register

I have my Nabble app embedded on a separate website.  I want to create a link on that website that brings new users to the registration page while staying on that website.  As of right now, the current link I have takes users to my Nabble app on the Nabble website.

Any special links for doing this?

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Re: Create a link for users to register

You can have a link on your main site that takes you to the Nabble registration page if your application is embedded AND redirection is set.

To find out the link to use, log out of your forum so your forum reveals a "Login" link where your username currently is, then right-click that link and use your browser's facility to copy the link location. Use that URL to become your link to the Nabble registration page.
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Re: Create a link for users to register

That is the method I already tired but I don't want to use it because it takes my users away from my website.

I want the user to remain on my website.
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Re: Create a link for users to register

Than you haven't followed my instructions carefully and you haven't added the "Redirect" option to your embedding.

Go to:
Options > Embedding options

and check that your "Redirect Users" option is set to: "Redirect them to: xxx"
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: Create a link for users to register

Perfect!  It worked.  Thanks again Greg.  I really appreciate you time.
