Create New Sub-forum: bottom of the list

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Create New Sub-forum: bottom of the list

I have a movie forum and I create a new sub-forum for each new movie.  The new sub-forum appears at the bottom of the list of sub-forums, and then I need to move it to the top.   I want the new sub-forum to appear at the top of the list, rather than at the bottom.  Is there a setting for this?


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Re: Create New Sub-forum: bottom of the list

jphyde wrote
I want the new sub-forum to appear at the top of the list, rather than at the bottom.  Is there a setting for this?
There is no simple setting to make a new sub-forum at the top of the list, but...

In a "Forum" application - other applications, such as "Mixed" , "Board" and "Category", behave slightly differently - a new sub-forum in "pinned" beneath any existing sub-forums. Pinning, forces an item to a fixed position above unpinned items. To alter the default order of sub-forums, go to:

Options > Structure > Manage subcategories

There are several possibilities, including...

• You could unpin existing movie sub-forums, so that only the latest appears at the top

• You could create a sub-forum "New Movies", pin that, and place your latest additions there, moving them to the main collection later. (You might want to pin them in alphabetical order to make them easier to find, as your forum grows.)

Some of the alternative applications could be more attractive for your purpose. It's best to play with the various applications to see which you prefer.
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