Choose language for different subforums

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Choose language for different subforums

Jose -
Hi everyone,

I've seen the new feature to change the application's language. Good one!

Now a suggestion, since I guess my case won't be the only one: My application is a forum with two subforums: one for English-speaking user and the the second one for Spanish speakers.

Could it be possible to have, for example, English as default language for the whole application but being able to change to a different language only in a subforum?

This is my forum. As you can see, there's clearly one subforum for Spanish speakers and one for English speakers.


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Re: Choose language for different subforums

Hugo <Nabble>
This is not so simple because there are pages that are not related to any specific forum or sub-forum, like the login, register and user profile pages. So the system wouldn't know which language to use in those pages. So maybe the right thing to do is keep your apps separated.
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Re: Choose language for different subforums

Jose -
Hugo <Nabble> wrote
This is not so simple because there are pages that are not related to any specific forum or sub-forum, like the login, register and user profile pages. So the system wouldn't know which language to use in those pages. So maybe the right thing to do is keep your apps separated.

Yes, you're right. Would it be possible a language change at user level? So each user would see the app displayed in the language of their choice? Would that be doable?

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Re: Choose language for different subforums

Hugo <Nabble>
This is also complex because we cache most pages we generate, so all users must receive that same page (HTML). So we would have to include a parameter in the URL to tell the page which language should be used. I will think more about this. Thanks for the feedback.
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Re: Choose language for different subforums

Jose -
In reply to this post by Hugo <Nabble>
Hugo <Nabble> wrote
So maybe the right thing to do is keep your apps separated.
Is there any way to separate it now? I have some 400 users and I wouldn't like to loose them starting from zero.

Is there a way to clone the app so I can work on each independently? I've been having a look through the menu but I think I haven't seen anything like that.

That way I could transform one app in a 100% Spanish forum and the other in 100% English forum. I would then erase or hide the subforums and posts from the language I don't need and embed them again without losing users. And users wouldn't need to register again.