Changing footer "free embeddable board/forum/category..."

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Changing footer "free embeddable board/forum/category..."

Jose -
Hi there Hugo and the rest of guys at support,

If I'm not wrong, you have changed the footer personalizing if it's a board, forum, category, etc. so you get a message saying "Free embeddable XXXXXX power by Nabble".

But taking into account that you can change the layout on each level of the application, any visitor can get different messages, at happens in my forum:

Here it says "Free embeddable board"

Here it says "Free embeddable forum"

Here it says "Free embeddable category"

I'm briging this to your attention because maybe this wasn't the result you were looking for.

Nice job guys!
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Re: Changing footer "free embeddable board/forum/category..."

Peter <Nabble>
Thank you for reporting that. :-)
Nabble staff. We never ask for passwords.