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Cannot Change User's Email Address

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Cannot Change User's Email Address

Gary Lewis
553 posts
I have a user who is changing email addresses and we cannot change his address.  He is also an admin and he's tried to change it, to no avail.  So we've changed his groups and saved, to no avail.

When I click Change Email it doesn't do anything.  What am I doing wrong?
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/
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Re: Cannot Change User's Email Address

3896 posts
I've just tried to change my address on this forum by clicking the "Change email" link I get a new page with a field to enter another address. Same goes for my SeaHawk forum, one of the last two I still have on the platform.

Perhaps some edit you've made on your forum has affected things. It may be worth checking where that link on your forum is supposed to send you. That might give you a clue about what's happening.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: Cannot Change User's Email Address

Gary Lewis
553 posts
Thanks, Greg.  I'll check.
I'm not Nabble support, but have Nabble running on my Weebly website: http://www.garysgaragemahal.com/