Can search engine spiders read the embedded content of a Nabble Blog?

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Can search engine spiders read the embedded content of a Nabble Blog?


I'm thinking about embedding a blog to my website. The reason to do so is SEO. So the big question is if the embedded content of the blog can be read when the Google spider visits my site? I tried to google a text of an older entry in a Nabble Forum of someone else and what came up was the forum directly on Nabble and not the forum on the website where the embedded version was.

Does anybody knows this for sure?


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Re: Can search engine spiders read the embedded content of a Nabble Blog?

Hugo <Nabble>
Google and other spiders will find the blog on Nabble's website, not yours. But users that find your blog by searching google will be redirected to your website. For example, search google for "plone forum". You will see a link to, but when you click it, you will go to