Can a member delete or move any of the topic or thread either his/her or of others?

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Can a member delete or move any of the topic or thread either his/her or of others?

HIB Owner

I recently made a forum here -

and there is a registered user who can even delete the thread or move the thread he created.. and surprisingly his name does not show up on list of people.. please help!!!

How can i restrict him to only read and post and not allowing him to delete or move his posts or threads???

Gautam Thapar
Please read the rules carefully or you will be banned

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Re: Can a member delete or move any of the topic or thread either his/her or of others?

Hugo <Nabble>
Users have full control over their posts. So I assume you are talking about a user who moved or deleted his/her own post, correct? If you don't like that user, you can ban him/her (visit the profile page and you should see a ban link).

At Nabble, we try to keep a balance of user privileges in order to protect one against the other. We consider a post an exclusive property of its owner. Forum owners can remove his posts, but never physically delete them. Forum owners can ban users, but never physically delete their posts. We do this in order to prevent abuse.