Can I use a CNAME record as a custom domain

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Can I use a CNAME record as a custom domain

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I recently created the CNAME record that points to, so could I have this as my custom domain for embedding my forum?

Ok, so I've now made as my custom domain which was accepted as it is pointing at, but it still begins with http.  I was told that https could be applied!!!!!!!
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Re: Can I use a CNAME record as a custom domain

Israel <Nabble>
Https applied to the following domain:
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Re: Can I use a CNAME record as a custom domain

This post was updated on .
Israel <Nabble> wrote
Https applied to the following domain:
Great thankyou!  The padlock symbol is now showing.

Now I just have to apply the embedding code/s to the actual html page and pray that the forum actually embeds.
Unfortunately the forum is still not embedding into the page/s even with https applied.

This is the embedding code that I used which seems to be in order.

<script type="text/javascript"> nabble_width = "1470px"; nabble_scroll_top = true; nabble_ignore_title = true; </script><a id="nabblelink" href="http ://">talk-IT forum
<script src=""></script>

Other info:

The forum does show as embedded if http is applied in the address bar ( ), but this is no good, because visitors will think the site is not secure.
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Re: Can I use a CNAME record as a custom domain

In reply to this post by Israel <Nabble>
Israel <Nabble> wrote
Https applied to the following domain:
Right, I now know where I went wrong.  Silly me, I had forgotten to change the http instances to https in the embed code, and that's why the forum wasn't embedding.
The forum now embeds just fine, so I'm happy now :)