Can I make user accounts not require email?

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Can I make user accounts not require email?

ANY way I can do this? I have some friends that want to join my forum, but they can't put in email addresses for various reasons.
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Re: Can I make user accounts not require email?

Boyde712 wrote
ANY way I can do this? I have some friends that want to join my forum, but they can't put in email addresses for various reasons.
To register a user must supply a valid email address, so they can respond to the confirmation email, so the answer is... No.

If you want people to join who don't have a valid email address then you need to retain Nabble's default permissions and allow "Anyone" to post/reply, etc.

Of course you could ask them to create a temporary address at Yahoo, Google or whatever and use that, or you could register on their behalf and tell them the address/password you used, but these "solutions" are not entirely satisfactory as private messages sent to them by clicking on their avatar would go unread.

Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: Can I make user accounts not require email?

Peter <Nabble>
Not only they won't be able to read private messages but they won't read subscription notifications nor read digests either.

This is part of our validation process. Remember posts don't have moderation.
Nabble staff. We never ask for passwords.