Can I completely remove the top two rows of options?

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Can I completely remove the top two rows of options?

Hi everyone,

I'm using this embedded blog as a simple form of "news page" so multiple members can easily make news posts remotely.  I don't want anyone else to be able to register, comment, post, etc!

Is there any way for me to completely remove those  top two rows of links that say "Refresh, Permalink, Log in, Register" and "New post, People, Options" from the page?

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Re: Can I completely remove the top two rows of options?

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BrashMonkey wrote
Is there any way for me to completely remove those  top two rows of links that say "Refresh, Permalink, Log in, Register" and "New post, People, Options" from the page?
Short answer: No!
1. People, including you, will want to "Refresh" the blog from time to time, rather than reload the full page in which it is embedded.
2. You or your members may want to link to an earlier news item, or from some other site may want to link to an item part way down the page and not the page in which it is embedded.
3. How will Nabble be able to distinguish you and your members from the rest of the world if people can't identify themselves by loging-in.
4. What happens when your membership changes and a new member needs to be added to your team of posters?
5. How will you make a new post if the new post option isn't available?
6. The People link? Not an issue. Simply go to Options > User > Change Permissions and clear the appropriate option box.
7. How will you make such changes as 6 if you remove the Options link? You need to be logged in to do it
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: Can I completely remove the top two rows of options?

I like how with Wordpress you can use a special url, like .wp-admin or something like that specifically to log in, therebye you can leave out such features from the direct url to the blog.

If there's no way to do such things with Nabble currently, I hope its added in the future.
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Re: Can I completely remove the top two rows of options?

Currently, Nabble does not offer such a facility and I don't know how likely it is that Nabble will.

Rather than being the CMS (Content Management System) package that WordPress has developed into, based on a service that originated as blogging software, Nabble's primarily forum software.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.
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Re: Can I completely remove the top two rows of options?

In reply to this post by BrashMonkey
As Greg said, you can change the permissions to fit for what you want. Wouldn't it be enough to remove the "Create_topic" permission from the users?
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