Bug: multiple views, multiple readings: Threaded view shows read (posted) messages as unread

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Bug: multiple views, multiple readings: Threaded view shows read (posted) messages as unread

Graham Perrin
1. prefer Classic view

2. bookmark a topic

3. post a reply to the topic

4. close window

5. use the bookmark

6. click Threaded


My message — read once after posting, read a second time in Classic view — is shown as unread in Threaded view.


1. I review, re-read <http://n2.nabble.com/Chandler-desktop-1.0.3-release-candidate-build-available-td2341676.html#a2341676> at least six times

2. on each occasion I click Threaded

3. the issue recurs; my message is shown as unread:

I suspect that my message that's repeatedly read in Classic view will continue to be shown as unread in Threaded view until I eventually read it an nth time — in Threaded view.


• Safari 4 Public Beta (5528.16)
• Accept cookies: Always
• Mac OS X 10.5.6, Intel.

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Re: Bug: multiple views, multiple readings: Threaded view shows read (posted) messages as unread

Graham Perrin
Graham Perrin wrote
6. click Threaded
Bug is reproducible for as long as I click Threaded at the head of the page.

If I click one of the other Threaded links — specifically, the link alongside my post (which I'm reading), the switch to Threaded view coincides with disclosure of the post and a visible change from unread (bold) to read.