Bug in nabble: creation of a subforum overriding the current

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Bug in nabble: creation of a subforum overriding the current


I have 6 mailing lists here:

However, if I create a new sub forum (Options => Structure => Create a new sub-forum), it will "drop"
the 6 previous one to show only the new one.

Is there anything you could do for us ?

PS: if it helps, I had to add myself [1] as administrator to be able to create the sub forum
[1] http://mailinglists.scilab.org/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=change_user_groups&user=XXXXX
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Re: Bug in nabble: creation of a subforum overriding the current

Hugo <Nabble>
This happens because the new subapp you create is pinned by default. So, after creating the subapp, you should go to "Options > Structure > Manage subcategories" and unpin the new sub-forum. If you want to sort the order of subapps, you should pin them all and use the sort function (arrows up/down) on that same screen. You may consider using the CATEGORY app type since your front page is just a list of subapps. Please let me know if you have more questions, comments or concerns.