Bug? Lost {raw} text for non-html posts

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Bug? Lost {raw} text for non-html posts

I'm using  { & } to replace lt & gt chars.

Over at http://forum.openscad.org, we have an issue.

It is setup with a Mailing List Archive to a mailman list.

Posters use the More/Raw or {raw}something{/raw} when posting openscad code.

However when they don't tick the 'Message is in HTML Format' box the raw content is missing from the email reaching the mailing list. Most users use the mailing list so the example code doesn't get seen there.

other things like {b} {i} get flagged with * & / etc.

Is this a bug, or intentional.

Is there any other way to flag text as a monospaced plain text?

Or alternatively to set html as the default post type?

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Re: Bug? Lost {raw} text for non-html posts

I use a plain text mail program and I have noticed that the plain text part of Nabble mails exclude contents of raw rags.  I thought I remembered looking at the HTML part in my browesr and seeing that the full content of the message was there.

In short, I believe there is a bug, but it may be more complex than you suggest.
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Re: Bug? Lost {raw} text for non-html posts

Yes, if the poster check the HTML box, it works, but I suggest if users use the More/Raw built-in menu, that they wouldn't expect to have to explicitly check the HTML box (as that is generally what happens).

Tho the purported use of raw is to allow HTML to be shown as source, rather than actual HTML-formatted, perhaps the view was that it would be unsafe to suddenly have that display-only HTML actual turn into formatted-HTML??

Perhaps stripping the actual lt & gt and replace with 'lt' & 'gt' or '[' & ']' or similar (like the * & /) ??
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Re: Bug? Lost {raw} text for non-html posts

Sorry missed the subtlty of you answer (the HTML part of the message), that is ONLY there if they check the HTML box, otherwise it, appears, there is no HTML part.