I am a newbie to Nabble. Our Homes Association uses Nabble for the Board members to send comments or information to residents.
Can an Administrator Remove a User? Please explain how. If NOT can an Administrator Ban a User? How do I remove that banned User? If I delete a Forum, can I recreate it with only the Registered Users? Thanks, Ron H Web Admin |
Hi Ron,
No! See my recent post: http://support.nabble.com/Beginners-Links-at-Top-Right-of-Forum-td7594977.html and the post linked from it about moderating a forum. Yes you can ban a "Registered" user. However, in many cases it's barely worth it, since anyone can register again with a different email address. Yes, but there's no point. It's not "Registered" users you want/need. It's "Members". A forum administrator cannot control casual visitors (who fall into the "Anyone" group) or "Registered" users. (The user himself decides whether they will provide a validated email address), but the Administrator can pick certain users to become "Members"- and remove them from that group if necessary. You need to add all appropriate users to the "Members" group and adjust the "User Permissions" so only they have the appropriate access to your forum. If I understand correctly, you need to set up a forum so anyone can view your forum, but only "Members" (your Board members) can post - "Registered" users should also be limited to viewing and not be allowed to post. If you really don't want the likes of me having access to your forum, then you need to remove the "View", "Create_topic" and "Reply" permissions from both the "Anyone" and "Registered" groups, grant "View" to the "Members" group and add all association members to that group, then only your organisations members can view your forum's content. Then also create a "Board" group, to whom the board members are added. That group will also be granted the "Create_topic" and "Reply" permissions (they'll be able to view the forum by virtue of belonging to the "Members" group).
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted. |
Thanks for your explanation Greg! I had already change the Group permissions to what I thought they needed (I am a newby). Would you be able to look at the Groups in my Forum, and their specific authority granted, and let me know if they are even close to correct. Thanks again, Ron H. ________________ Web Administration The Villas of Asbury Homeowners Association, Inc.
Rather than me look, I always recommend that an administrstor sets up a second user for their forum which they use to see if things are performing as expected for casual visitors and different classes of user.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted. |
Bear in mind for me to look I would have to register on your forum and you would have to promote me to Administrator.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted. |
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