Backup troubles? Plus, where are the pics?

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Backup troubles? Plus, where are the pics?


I downloaded my backups, but there are threads missing. Does that happen?  Also, where are the pictures stored on Nabble, I had a programmer write a script to migrate to another forum type, and it works, most of the 5,000+ posts are there, but there are a few important threads I'm missing. The pictures aren't there, either.

Thanks again,

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Re: Backup troubles? Plus, where are the pics?

Peter <Nabble>
The pictures are stored on the nabble servers. Check if your archive has their addresses. If not, then you would have to check them online.
There shouldn't be threads missing from the archive afaik. Can you link any of them?
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Re: Backup troubles? Plus, where are the pics?

Peter <Nabble> wrote
The pictures are stored on the nabble servers. Check if your archive has their addresses. If not, then you would have to check them online.
There shouldn't be threads missing from the archive afaik. Can you link any of them?

Is it possible that a few days could be missing from an archive?

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Re: Backup troubles? Plus, where are the pics?

Peter <Nabble>
Can you please provide the url for your forum?
Nabble staff. We never ask for passwords.