Auto-Archive old posts

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Auto-Archive old posts

I'm using Nabble as a Forum for a hobby club. There is often quite a bit of chatter that is relevant to the here and now and then pretty much redundant. I'm loathe to delete old posts but it would be nice if there I could set up an Archive forum to which I could automatically move old threads (say 180 days).

I would have thought this might be a common/standard requirement yet I can't see anything. Is it possible?

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Re: Auto-Archive old posts

You'll find that Nabble will delete topics and even complete sub-forums that are not visited for a prolonged period. They warn you that this is going to happen to give you a chance visit them to remove them from the "due to be deleted" list.

In consequence it is not seen as necessary to provide a facility that automatically moves topics to an "Archive" sub-forum. In any case, I'm not clear why you find it necessary. By their nature topics which have no new posts fall off the first screen any way so, in effect, become archived by virtue of their lack of immediate visibility.

Perhaps this is really a concern about how to handle extremely long topics that had an original post that is now well past being relevant to the current debate. There are three options on how to handle that:

• Encourage your users to use the "Last Post" link instead of the "Sub-From and Topics" link, so they jump to correct page to read the current debate, rather than have to trawl through scores of pages to reach it.

• Encourage your users to use "Topics View" which lists topics with the most recent posts regardless of the sub-forum they have been posted in.

• As Administrator, find a point in the topic where you feel the debate has shifted sufficiently to justify it being the first post in a new topic ("Threaded View" can prove extremely useful here as it compresses topics into single lines and allows you to see at which point the debate swung in a new direction and which were blind alleys with few replies) and use the option:

More > Move post

If you leave the field blank on the screen that appears the earlier part of the topic becomes lost on on the umpteenth page of your forum (i.e. archived) as it contains no recent posts.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.