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Dear Nabble users,
We today just added about 120 participants to our new forum by adding them to nabble (just entering user name + email + password in the registration process;1 person did all the work) within about 2 hours. Now I would expect the emails would appear in the user group of the forum, even if no participants have confirmed any email yet. But there is only a small group of the 120 participants which appear in the user group so far even though about 4 hours have passed. Is this to be expected? When could we expect to see all to appear. I would appreciate any comments and suggestions. Thank you. Cheers, nepgna |
Perhaps never! You say nothing about the permissions you have set up on your forum and whether you have changed the defaults which allows those in the "Anyone" group to post. In those circumstances any user supplying an email address will appear immediately in the "Anyone" group and will be able to post. May be the few users you see posting have done that? If you have changed the User Permissions so only those in the "Registered" group may post then your users will need to register to post. To register the user must complete the registration form AND confirm that they want to register by clicking a link in the email that is sent to that address. The system is designed to prevent someone from registering someone else's email address. It sounds as if this is what you have done. Sometimes Nabble's emails get treated as Spam by the recipient's mail service or mail program. If they didn't register themselves they will not think to check their spam. A person registering is warned of this possibility. So it is quite likely that most of your potentially registered users have either treated an unexpected email as trash and deleted it, or it has gone to spam and they are unaware of its arrival or they haven't bothered to read it yet, or they are confused by or suspicious of the contents of the mail as it has come from an organisation with whom they have had no dealings and they have actively chosen not to click the link it contains. I once saw a post in this forum that suggested that the request to confirm registration will time expire and that the person registering must confirm within a relatively short period, perhaps three days, after which the link won't then work. This was another feature designed to discourage people from registering other's addresses. In short, never register someone else's address. It is bad practice and leads to confusion. Instead, simply email them the link to your forum and give them instructions on how to register. They are far more likely to respond to a request from someone they know than from Nabble, an organisation they have probably never heard of.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted. |
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