Advert free credits

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Advert free credits

Back in December we purchased 100,000 free credits on top of 10,000 so in total we had 110,000.

However the ads have just returned and at the bottom of the forum page it says - 58412 views.

We have purchased more credits but can someone please explain the discrepancy in the figures please?

The page views are just for the forum as the blog it is embedded in says 8809.
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Re: Advert free credits

The 58 thousand figure is the number of views of that page alone. If no one then clicks on a link to visit a sub-forum or topic then that will be the total number of views your forum has had.

However, it is far more likely that people have visited some sub-forums thousands of times, some topics hundreds, but other just a handful. You need to add together the views for every sub-forum and topic to get your total count.
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