About the ads

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About the ads

Can I change the location of the nabble ads?
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Re: About the ads

Can I?
Yes. It's just a matter of editing the NAML code. (I understand Nabble monitors code changes in this area, so they will notice edits to the macros involved.)

I suggest the question should have been "May I"?
The answer to that is probably "No", as I'm sure Nabble would have planned the position of ads to maximize their revenue while attempting to minimise any negative impact on user's experience.

If you are seriously concerned about the ads then I'd recommend that you provide further information about your forum and why, in your case, you believe the ads would not have a negative effect on the Nabble's revenue stream in your proposed location, ideally with some data to support your case.

The alternative is to pay for ad removal.
Volunteer Helper - but recommending that users move off the platform!
Once the admin for GregHelp now deleted.